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We’re still on the road, today in amazing Santa Fe, New Mexico, the art, food and political capital of the state, and as you read this, probably en route at this very minute up north to Abiqui, New Mexico.

(Trivia: why Abiqui? Please tell all, without Googling.)

Yes, they have great colors in the Northeast this time of year—but the southwest looks mighty pretty too. Especially against those rich dark blue skies.

The Santa Fe and New Mexico episode of Photowalks will drop on 11/9, and I’ll fill you all in on the highlights of a fall southwest adventure with multiple iPhones then. Meanwhile, enjoy the short video above of the leaves—and these road side highlights.

I love this vintage and still thriving motel on Cerillos Road in Santa Fe, which is home to many 1950s styled motor inns. How to get someone to pull over? Back then it seems you might want to tell them about the color TELEVISION in the room. Later on, throw in that you have color cable too!

I can’t vouch for the room, but the courtyard does seem inviting.

And you can’t beat this price: $31.99 a night for two of you—on a “FULL SIZE BED!”

Just so you know, this roadside motel in Gallup, the Arrowhead Lodge, offered this price three years ago when we last passed through—it was defunct then, and still standing and non-operational today. But the sign still shines in the New Mexico desert!

If you are going to pull off fthe road or gas, you can’t beat Gallup—home to the cheapest gas we’ve found on this trip. Readers—are you paying less anywhere else? Let me hear from you.

When I saw this mural by the side of the road, you know I had to jump out of the car and pose in front of it. Again, coming soon 11/9, so stay tuned!

Thanks as always for reading, watching and listening!
